Continuing our journey down the path from the familiar to the down-right bizarre, we find ourselves at Pattern Matching.  This is a feature of the Scala language that shows it’s functional side in a strong way.  Pattern Matching is a fundamental part of functional languages in general, and provides a way to write very concise and expressive code.  On the surface, pattern matching in Scala looks an awful lot like switch statements in C# (and Java for that matter), but you shouldn’t cling too hard to that association.

The Basics

Let’s start with a basic example that mimics the behavior of a switch statement.  Here is a quick sample entered directly into the Scala interpreter:

scala> val x = "Hi"
x: java.lang.String = Hi
scala> x match {
     | case "Hi" => "Hi yourself"
     | case "Ho" => "Am Not!"
     | case _ => "What?"
     | }
res1: java.lang.String = Hi yourself

Yes, this looks really boring…but the syntax should be clear. The Pattern Match is invoked using the match keyword, followed by a block containing case expressions. It’s worth pointing out at this point that the match is an expression, which means it has a value when evaluated (which is why the result from the interpreter is a string, and we don’t have/need any return statements). This means that the results of the match can be assigned to a variable, or used as the return value of a function. The case statements in this example are simple, they match against string literals. The exception being the last, which uses the special wildcard match expression _.  As may be expected, evaluation happens in order, and the first expression which contains a matching pattern is the one that is executed.  Had the previous example placed the wildcard pattern first, then that would be evaluated every time, regardless of what value is passed in.

Now if this is all you could do with Pattern Matching, it wouldn’t be all that interesting, and I probably wouldn’t be sharing it with you.  The cool thing about Pattern Matching expressions is that you are not limited to literals or enum values like you are with C#.  One of the things you can do is match based on type:

x match {
    case x:String  => "You gave me a string: "+x
    case x:Int     => "You gave me a number: "+x.toString
    case x:MyThing => "You gave me some thing: "+x.toStirng

A contrived example to be sure, but as you can see it is really easy to handle different types using the standard Scala type notations.  The return value of the match expression will be the most specific type that is the result of all possible expressions.  You need to be a little careful with this, since if a match expression appears at the end of a function, then the function’s return value will be the same as the match expressions.


Now, type based matching is pretty cool, and honestly I’ve wished for this kind of functionality in C# before, but there is more.  One of the primary uses for Pattern Matching in purely functional is for deconstruction of data structures.  By this I mean extracting values from data structures so you can use the data elements directly.  A quick example using a basic tuple would look like:

x match {
    case (y,z) => "A tuple with "+y+" and "+z
    case _     => "Something else"

If x is a tuple, then this expression will print the values of both elements. The pattern (in this case (y,z)) binds the variable y to the first element in the tuple, and z to the second. If, for example, you didn’t care about the value of the second element in the tuple, then you could use the wildcard character in the pattern:

x match {
    case (y,_) => "The first element from the tuple is "+y
    case _     => "Something else"

A common use for Pattern Matching in functional languages is to split a list into it’s head (fist element) and tail (every other element). You can do this in Scala with a pattern that looks like:

list match {
    case Nil      => "Empty list"
    case x :: Nil => "Single element list: "+x
    case x :: xs  => "List has a head of "+x +" and tail: " + ","+ _)
    case _        => "Not a list"

Looking at the patterns here, we have some interesting options. The first matches agains Nil, which is an empty list. The second uses the pattern x :: Nil, which is a list with a single element (and binds that element to x). The next pattern x :: xs divides the list into head (bound to x) and tail (bound to xs) segments. These are the standard three types of matches you see when pattern matching against lists.


This ability to deconstruct objects is not limited to standard built-in types.  Scala has a generalized pattern called Extractor Objects which provide a way to create objects that can be used in Pattern Matching.  Lets put together another cheesy example to demonstrate this:

class MyThing(val one:Int, val two:String)

object MyThing {
    def apply(thing1:Int,thing2:String) = {
        new MyThing(thing1,thing2)
    def unapply(x:MyThing):Option[(Int,String)] = {

val m = MyThing(2,"one")

m match {
    case MyThing(y,z) => "MyThing with two items: "+y+" and "+z
    case _            => "Not a MyThing"

For sake of completeness I’ve included the apply method, which (you may recall) is how you create objects in Scala. It also provides some context for the unapply method so things are a little less confusing  Since Pattern Matching performs deconstruction, it seems only logical that the method that does this work is called unapply. This method may look a little funny, but basically this is what happens. The item you are doing the match against is passed into the unapply method. If the method returns a Some value, then that is the expression that is evaluated, otherwise it moves on to the next. Also, if the item doesn’t match the type of the argument to the unapply method, then it will skip that expression. If you’re unapply returns a Some[x] then that value gets bound to the variables. In this case we have two, so we’re returning them in a tuple.

Case Classes

Now, this is cool, but there is a lot of typing involved. Scala has a handy-dandy short-cut for doing this sort of thing called Case Classes. A Case Class allows you to define a basic class, and it automatically adds the companion object type with apply and unapply methods, along with accessesors for any constructor arguments. So, using Case Classes we can rewrite the previous example as:

case class MyThing(one:Int, two:String)

val m = MyThing(2,"one")

m match {
    case MyThing(y,z) => "MyThing with two items: "+y+" and "+z
    case _            => "Not a MyThing"

As you can see, this removed the need for the companion object all together. Granted, all of the code is still there after the magic from the compiler, but there is way less typing involved.


As if Pattern Matching wasn’t cool enough, you can further refine results from the match using Guards. This basically gives you a way to add additional conditions to a pattern using standard expressions which evaluate to a bool. Building on our previous example, we can do some more complex matching on the individual properties of the object within the pattern. It looks something like this:

x match {
    case MyThing(y,z) if y > 10 => " is more than 10"
    case MyThing(y,z) if y > 5  => " is more than 5"
    case _                      => "MyThing doesn't meet criteria"

The if right after the pattern defines the guard. You can use standard boolean operators like || or && as well, but the more complex things get the less readable things tend to be.

Hopefully I’ve given at least a little glimpse into the coolness of Pattern Matching in Scala.  The coolness of patterns is used in several different places in the language, including in the Regular Expression library, which gives a really easy way to check against regex matches, and extract elements from the regex if that’s the sort of thing you’re into.  We’ll be seeing more Pattern Matching as we start delving into more functional aspects of Scala.  Hopefully you’ll be able to appreciate the elegance and simplicity it can provide.

This is part 3 in a series.  If you’ve not followed-along so far, you may want to check out Part 1 and Part 2 first.

It’s time to start digging in to some of the crazy-goodness that makes Scala such a glorious and wonderful thing.  First things first, though, we have to talk a little bit about this history of Generics in Java and the JVM. 



Type Erasure and you…

Back around the time that .Net was adding support for generics, the folks in Java land were doing the same…sort of.  The biggest difference between the way Generics were implemented in .Net and Java is the fact that in .Net generics are supported directly in the CLR (sometimes called reified generics), whereas the JVM did not include direct support for generics.  Ok, so what does that actually mean?  Well, for starters it means that when you’re dealing with Generics in Java you run into Type Erasure.  Type Erasure means that when Java code with generics are compiled, the generic type information is removed at compile time, so while you’re looking at an ArrayList<String> in Java, the JVM sees this as just an ArrayList, and things get cast as needed.  There are a couple of types which get reified into actual types (Arrays are the best example), but for the most part this doesn’t happen.  In contrast in the .Net world a List<string> gets compiled into a List`1<System.String> which is a real type at the IL level.  Now, I’m not going to get into the argument about whether or not type erasure is good or bad, but it is a fundamental difference between the two platforms. 

One very interesting effect of Type Erasure is that it allows you to specify a wildcard type argument for a generic type parameter.  In Java this looks something like ArrayList<?>, in Scala this same type would be ArrayList[_].  Now, this is interesting because it allows you to side-step the whole issue of providing type arguments when you really don’t care what they are.  Now, lets back up one step real quick and talk about syntax for a moment. 

Getting down to business…

Those of you with sharp eyes will have noticed that Scala uses square brackets for type arguments.  You can limit types (in a way similar to generic constraints in C#) based on other types by using the following syntax: MyType[T <: AnyRef].  In this case we’re saying the Type argument T is a subtype of AnyRef (which you may recall is the supertype for all classes).  This is known as a Type Bound, and specifically in this case an Upper Type Bound.  You could speculate (and would be correct to do so) that a Lower Type Bound works in the opposite direction, so MyType[T >: A] means T is a supertype of A.  Now, this is interesting from a theoretical perspective, but there are practical uses for this when you bring in covariant and contravariant type parameters.  Scala allows you to denote a covariant type like this: MyType[+T], and a contravariant type like this: MyType[-T].  These are equivalent to the .Net 4 variance modifiers in and out.  So the .Net version of our MyType declarations would be IMyType<in T> and IMyType<out T> respectively.  Note I added the I to the type names since in .Net type variance declarations are limited to interfaces and methods.  This limitation does not exist in Scala, so you’re free to add variance modifiers wherever you like.  Ok, so why do I say type variance becomes interesting when you combine it with type bounds?  Well, lets look at some real live Scala code and see:

sealed abstract class Option[+A] extends Product {
  def getOrElse[B &gt;: A](default: =&gt; B): B = 
    if (isEmpty) default else this.get

So this is a chunk of code from the Scala library. This is a sample of the Option class, which is an implementation of the Null Object Pattern, that is used everywhere within the Scala libraries. If you look at the type declaration you can see that Option takes a single type parameter A that happens to be covariant. This is because when you have an Option of a specific type you expect to be able to get that type back out of it. However, there is also this getOrElse method, which will either return the item, or return the value of the function you pass in (which should return the type A). Now if you were to try and make the argument to the function something like => A you would get a compiler error because a covariant type is appearing in a contrvariant position. This happens in C# as well, if you were to do the same thing. So the solution to this is to give the getOrElse method a TypeParameter, and specify a lower bound of A, which means B has to be a supertype (or the same type as) A.  This is particularly awesome since we would like that to be a contravariant operation anyway.  This is a very nice trick, and one I wish it were possible to use in C#.

Types of Types of Types…..

But the goodness does not stop there.  We’re going to head off into the land where Scala really asserts itself in terms of it’s type system.  In Scala it is possible to specify that the Type Parameter of your class/method/whatever should itself also have a type parameter (which could also have a type parameter, that could have a type parameter….you get the idea).  This is known as Higher Kinded Types (from the idea of Higher Order Functions in Functional Programing, which are functions that take functions as arguments).  A Kind in type theory is basically a higher-level abstraction over types which relates to types in basically the same way types relate to variables in terms of regular code (I know this didn’t actually help explain anything, but it sounds good right?).

You may be wondering why this is a big deal, or even what use it may have….well, lets turn to another example from the Scala library.  In this case we’re going to talk about the Map function that exists on pretty much every Scala collection (or collection-like) object.  This is a method that allows you to take a collection of one type, and turn it in to a collection of a different type…more or less equivalent to the Select() method from Linq on IEnumerable.  Now, what is really cool about the Scala Map method is that when you call it on a List<y> for example, and pass it a function to transform y into x,  you will get back a List<x>.  The important part here is the fact that it is a List…not an Iterable, not an Enumerable, not any other supertype in the heirarchy, but a List.  And to top it all off this method is defined at the top level of the Collections type hierarchy.  So if you create a new collection that inherits from one of the existing collection types, you get a Map method that behaves the right way free of charge.  This is impossible to do in C# without creating an implementation of the method for each object (and if you did that you would have no contract at the IList or IEnumerable level for the method).  I’ll let that sink in for a moment.  Now, there is a lot of very cool things going on in the type system which will get their own posts (or twenty) at some point, as a matter of fact Scala’s type system is actually Turing Complete in and of iteself, which makes my head hurt to thing about. But apart from that there is one more thing I want to share about Scala’s type parameters before wrapping this up.

A quacking all the way…..

In addition to specifying type arguments as parameters, you can actually get more granular and tell Scala you’ll take any object it’s got as a parameter, as long as it has some specific method declaration(s).  This is effectively duck typing, and makes testing really, really easy when you can use it.  The syntax for doing this looks like:

def MyMethod(thing: { def that(x:Int) }) = thing.that(2)

Take a long look at that for a sec, let it sync in.  Now, this is pretty good stuff by itself, but Scala’s type system gives us even more goodness.  One of the nifty things you can do is declare new types in terms of other types.  Something like aliasing….but with a lot more power, particularly when you take into account the fact that you can use the same “duck typing” syntax to define a type.  So here is what that would look like:

class Test {
    type Dog: { def bark; }

    def itBarks(dog:Dog) = dog.bark

class Wolf {

    def bark = println("Actually, I tend to howl more")


class Poodle {

    def bark = prinln("Le bark, Le bark")

val test = new Test()
test.itBarks(new Wolf())
test.itBarks(new Poodle())

So, as you can see, you can use type definitions as a form of shorthand for the duck-typed references. What’s even cooler is that you can actually define types at a package level as well, which means you can define them once in your project, and use them wherever you need them. This is something like the using aliases you can set up at the file level, only you can declare them at a much broader level. As a matter of fact, Scala has a special file called Predef that gets run before anything else in a Scala program. This file defines a lot of nifty things, like the println method, including several types that can be used in any Scala program (check our the source if you’d like). Pretty groovy, no?


In Part 2 of this series we’re going to move into some of the object-oriented aspects of Scala.  For a primer on what Scala is, and a quick primer on syntax, check out part 1.

Let’s start with the built-in object structure

Like C# and Java, Scala has a built-in object hierarchy, and a standard library full of goodies.  Unlike Java and C#, Scala tackled the issue of reference types and value types head-on, so while the root type in the Scala type system is the Any type, there are two descendants of Any that come into play before any other type. The two are: AnyRef, and AnyVal. As you might guess AnyRef is the base type for all reference types (including types made available from Java), and AnyVal is the base type for all value types. This is a little bit like the class and struct type constraints in C#, only you can use these as variables. They can also be used to limit type parameters, but Scala Generics are going to have to get their own post.

There is one other interesting class that makes Scala unique from C# and Java (and maybe even other OO languages…I don’t think Ruby does this….pretty sure python doesn’t either….Smalltalk probably had it, but then Smalltalk had everything).  There is a class called Nothing, which is a Subclass of every class. I’ll give that a second to sink in.  Ok, got that? There is also another class called Null that is similar in that it is a Subclass of every reference type.  Here is a diagram of the Scala class hierarchy to make things a little clearer.

With this information fresh in our minds, lets take a look at actually putting together some Object-Oriented code.

The Trinity….Classes, Objects, and Traits

This was actually one of the first areas that made me go “Wow” in Scala land. Being on the JVM, you would expect it to use Java’s notion of classes and interfaces. But, interestingly, while it is built to support interoperability with Java directly, Scala starts asserting itself early on in the following way: In Scala you have three basic building blocks for OO, the Class, the Object, and the Trait. Taking these in order of most like what C# devs are used to up to the least, we’ll start with the Class. Classes in Scala are basically like C# classes…only with one significant difference: Scala classes do not have Statics. As a matter of fact there is no way to make a Class static in Scala. That’s where Object comes in. Object is basically a singleton, which you reference using static-like syntax (so Name.Method). You can create something which looks like statics on classes by using a Companion Object, that is an Object which has the same name as the Class (and is in the same file). Objects have a couple special things going on like the ability to be used as Factories for other classes, and the special apply() and unapply() methods, which allow you to get instances of object, and come into play in nifty ways when we start talking about Pattern Matching. But before we get into that lets talk about the last of the Scala OO Trinity, the Trait. So Traits are really cool….they are effectively Interfaces, only they can contain implementation. I say can, but they don’t have to. So you can use Traits in a way that is similar to the way interfaces are used, or you can add implementation, and they become Mixins. What’s more, you can create a Trait that inherits from a Class, as well as a Class that extends a Trait. You can also create Objects that inherit from classes and extend Traits. You can also attach a Trait to an instance of a class at the time you instantiate the class, which means you can add behavior to a class declaratively at the time you need it. So lets get some code samples going here, just to give an idea of what this all looks like. Lets put together a totally non-realistic example of an Animal class hierarchy:

class Animal

Ok, that was maybe no so helpful (but I will point out that this is valid, code…it compiles people, try it out). Lets move on to some categorization

class Feline extends Animal {
  var _lives:Int = 9

  def creep {
  def scratch {
  def hunt {
  def livesLeft:Int = _lives

class Canine extends Animal {
  def howl {
  def hunt {
  def chaseFeline(cat:Feline) {

So now we have a little more to work with…not much, but it’s a start. Before we get too far, we have some duplication, so lets do a little refactoring…since both classes have a hunt method, we’re going to pull this out into a Trait:

trait Hunting {
  def hunt {

And to actually make use of this, our classes are now:

class Feline extends Animal with Hunting {
  var _lives = 9

  def creep {

  def scratch {
  def livesLeft:Int = _lives

class Canine extends Animal with Hunting {
  def howl {
  def chaseFeline(cat:Feline) {

There, isn’t that nice? The Trait is added to the class in this case with the addition of the with keyword (though if there was not a base class, we would need to use the extends. The rule is the first item is extends, and any other traits use with). We could also do this declaratively at instantiation time if we wanted. Like this:

val canine = new Canine() with Hunting

Before we finish up (cause I think this is plenty to chew on for a while), I want to talk briefly about visibility and overrides.  By default in Scala, everything is public…as a matter of fact there isn’t a public keyword at all. There are actually some really interesting options for scoping which give you more control than the public,private,protected,internal,protected internal options available in C#, but those will have to wait for a bit. As far as overrides, Scala does not have a virtual keyword. So everything is overridable (sort of). Unlike Java, if you want to override something you have to use the overridekeyword. Lets put together a quick example:

class Animal {
  def sleep {

class FruitBat extends Animal {
  override def sleep {

Again, contrived, but so are most samples on blogs. Naturally we’ll ignore the fact that isNighttime has no implementation, cause we can, and look at the fact that overriding existing functionality is pretty familiar to the C# dev, except for the call to super rather than base. The interesting thing to note here is that, by default, all methods can be overridden in Scala (using the final keyword on a method def will keep it from being overridden), and you must be explicit when you do it. This actually takes care of the complaints from folks, particularly when discussing testability, about C# requiring the virtual keyword to allow it to be overridden (and since everything is public by default, there is that argument too). It also takes care of complaints people have about the fact you can “accidentally” override methods in Java, since you don’t have an overridekeyword (Some IDEs will look at an @Overrides annotation, but there is nothing checked at compile time for this).

We’ve covered quite a bit, and there are still some things we could talk about, but this takes care of the basics. You can now create Object Oriented code in Scala. In our next installment we’ll dig in to the Scala concept of Generics, which actually makes C# generics look like a sad and feeble attempt at doing something interesting (while still dealing with type erasure in the JVM).

I’m going to take a brief intermission in my Scala series, and show a head-to-head comparison of some code in Scala and C#.  To do this, I’m going to go with the first and second problems from Project Euler.  If your not familiar with the site, it’s a playground full of problems that are absolutely perfect for functional languages (cause they tend to be mathematical functions).  So let’s get started with Question #1:

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

We’ll start with the C# version:

public class Problem1
   public int GetResult()
       return Enumerable.Range(1, 999).Where(i => i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0).Sum();

With the magic of Linq this is pretty easy (I’ll show later how Linq is basically a way to do list comprehensions in C#, but that’s for one of the longer posts).  Now, on to the Scala version (which you can paste into your REPL or SimplyScala if you want):

(1 until 1000).filter(r => r % 3 == 0 || r % 5 == 0).reduceLeft(_+_)

Now, comparing these too, they are fairly similar. Creating the initial range of numbers is a little easier in Scala (and using the until “keyword” means we don’t have to use 999 like in C#). Instead of the Where Scala uses the more traditional filter function, and we have to do a little more work and use the reduceLeft function with the special _+_ I talked about before, but overall they are quite similar.

So let’s move on to Question #2. It is:

Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, …
By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.

Seems pretty straight forward.  We want a Fibonacci sequence generator, then we simply need to filter out odd values, and sum the even values that are less than 4 million to get our answer.  Lets start with C#:

public class Problem2
    private IEnumerable<int> Fibonacci()
        var tuple = Tuple.Create(0, 1);
        while (true)
            yield return tuple.Item1;
            tuple = Tuple.Create(tuple.Item2, tuple.Item1 + tuple.Item2);

    public int GetResult()
        return Fibonacci().Where(i => i % 2 == 0).TakeWhile(i => i < 4000000).Sum();

This one is a little more involved because we have to generate a Fibonacci sequence. I decided to use an iterator and the magical yield keyword to make a never-ending sequence (well, never ending until we end up with an overflow exception that is), but beyond that the solution is very similar to problem #1.

Now for the Scala version:

lazy val fib:Stream[Int] = Stream.cons(0,Stream.cons(1, => p._1 + p._2)))
fib.filter(_ % 2 == 0).takeWhile(_ <= 4000000).reduceLeft(_+_)

Well, isn’t this interesting….The first line is the equivalent of our C# iterator.  It’s creating a lazy stream which is a stream who’s contents are calculated as they are needed (just like our iterator).  The difference here is that Scala doesn’t try to evaluate it all if you just type fib into the will give you the first few results and then say “Look, I could go on, but you didn’t tell me how far to go so I’m just going to stop here”, and it spits out a ? to let you know that there could be more. This means that Scala has a deeper understanding that this thing may well never end.  Keeping this in mind we’re actually calculating it’s contents recursively (after hard-coding the 0 and 1 values)) by using the zip function, which will take a list and combine it with another list into a collection of Tuples. For the second list, which gets passed in to the zip function on fib we’re specifying fib.tail which is our list, minus the first element. So if our list starts out looking like List(0,1,...) then fib.tail is List(1,...). That means the initial call to zip creates the tuple (0,1). Now, from there we use the map function (translate this to Select in Linq-ease) to return the sum of the first and second items from out tuple. So now we have just created the third element in our sequence: 1. So the next time round this all happens again, only on the next elements in the two sequences respectively. So the zip function returns a tuple with the second and third element in the sequence: (1,1), and low and behold the 4th element in our sequence is born. This will go on until you stop asking for values, or you get an overflow exception. The entire time the evaluation of what is in the sequence is exactly one element ahead of what is being returned. Kinda mind bending, no? Now for the second line, we once again have an almost one-to-one map to our C# code. We filter out the odd values, take all the values less than 4 million, and then sum up the results.

Hopefully this has been at least a little bit enlightening…I’ll continue on making some more detailed forays into the world of Scala, but I thought an occasional one to one comparison might be help shed some light on some of the places where Scala offers some added elegance to what is possible in C#…as well as those spots where it doesn’t.

Hows that for a title, eh?  Yeah, I know, kinda crappy, but there is only so much creativity I can manage in a day, and as you will soon find out my mind is busy with all kinds of new and interesting thing, so any spare neural pathways which may have one been useful for something like clever titles are now just too damn busy to be bothered.

So what is this all about?  Several months ago I had an interesting experience.  One that I could almost compare to a religious experience, only not quite so….religious.  It started with the most excellent book Seven Languages in Seven Weeks by Bruce Tate, from our good friends at the Pragmatic Programmers.  Now, I will admit that I’ve not actually read all of it…yet.  The reason is that while I found the first several languages (Ruby, Io, and Prolog) interesting, and challenging, it was Scala that had a certain something that kept me wanting to know more.  Mr. Tate actually didn’t care much for the syntax of Scala, and was rather pleased to move on to Erlang.  Meanwhile I was off and running downloading Eclipse and the Scala IDE, looking at testing frameworks, online documentations, and what’s this?  Android development with Scala!?!?  I was hooked.

What is Scala all about?

2003 – A drunken Martin Odersky sees a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup ad featuring somebody’s peanut butter getting on somebody else’s chocolate and has an idea. He creates Scala, a language that unifies constructs from both object oriented and functional languages. This pisses off both groups and each promptly declares jihad.
James IryA Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages

So to move on to the the elevator pitch on Scala.  Scala is a Hybrid Object-Oriented/Functional language build on the JVM which makes extensive use of type inference.  Now, a C#/.Net dev looking at this statement will most likely have a couple of responses.  Depending on how snarky the specific developer is the first will most likely be “So?”.  Followed by something like “So is F#, and C# has all that Functional stuff built-in…what’s the big deal?”.  Answering this question is one of the things I’m hoping to address…though maybe not directly. There are a lot of reasons I think Scala is interesting to a .Net developer, not the least of which is the idea that learning a new language can help open your eyes to new ideas,  patterns and idioms.  But also, there was a recent announcement from the Scala CLR team that, thanks to lots of hard work, and some funding from Microsoft, the Scala CLR compiler tools are actually usable.  This means that we could have another language available on the .Net platform for which to play.

There are no doubt going to be a number of different posts where I address various topics in some order that is in no way thought out.  What I would like to try to do is to present a lot of the things that make the language interesting, and unique, and how it can be used to solve problems in ways that are not possible in C#.  In some cases I may draw comparisons to Java, as a means of explaining some specific nuance of the language, or just to put into perspective why Scala is an even more compelling option for Java developers.  For those wanting to play along at home, without going through the process of installing Scala, you can head over to SimplyScala and try out their web-based Scala REPL.  When you install Scala, you also get a REPL that you can fire off from a command line (or, as I like to do, add it as a tab to Console2)


A quick look at some key syntax differences…

Before I start digging in too deep, I want to get some of the syntactic differences out of the way, that way future posts can focus more on specific topics, without needing to take a side-track into syntax.  Scala has a very malleable syntax, which is a very interesting thing given it’s also a statically-types, compiled language.  We’re used to this sort of behavior from those unruly dynamic languages like Ruby, but from a compiled language?  Really?  How gauche…But lets start with the basics.  Scala is a language that uses curly braces, so it’s not terribly difficult for a C# dev to look at initially.  What is unusual is the way variables and methods (and properties for those methods) are declared.  The general pattern is name:type. I read somewhere that Martin Ordesky once said that the name is the most important thing when looking at declarations, and this pattern supports that.  So if you want to declare an immutable variable (i.e. one that can not be reassigned) it would look like this:


I’m going to gloss over the distinction between mutable, and immutable for the moment, but suffice to say, functional programming places a high value on  immutability, and Scala extends this idea to include a general preference for immutability when possible.

val age:Int = 6

Likewise a mutablevariable declaration would look like this:

var age:Int = 6

This is not actually what you are likely to see in a “real” Scala program, however, since the Scala compiler makes extensive use of Type Inference. So in both of these cases the type can be left off, because there is plenty of information available to know what the types are:

val age = 6

When we’re dealing with method or function definitions, then there are some limits to what can be inferred. Generally the types of parameters can not be inferred, and the return type can (though when declaring methods on a class, unless they are very simple, it’s considered a good idea to specify the type. This is to avoid confusion for both you’re reader and the compiler).  Functions are defined using the defkeyword like this:

Function vs Method

The distinction between functions and methods is actually pretty simple.  A method exists on a Class (or Object, or Trait), whereas a function does not.  Because Scala is functional, you can declare functions outside of the scope of a class without causing the anger of the gods to come raining down upon you.

def printNumbers(nums:List[Int]) {
  nums.foreach(n => println(n))

There are a few interesting things here, but I have a feeling C# devs will know what is going on without a whole lot of guidance. Take it as given that the printlnis a method that prints something to standard out (cause it is…we’ll talk about where it comes from later), and it’s easy to see that this method translates to this in C#:

public void printNumbers(List<Int> nums)
    nums.ForEach(n => Console.WriteLine(n));

Lets look at some of the differences….In the Scala version, we’re not specifying visibility. By default everything is pubic in Scala, which is a different world than we’re used to in C#. Also, there is no void return type defined. In Scala there is actually a class defined that takes the place of void called Unit. The compiler knows we are dealing with a method returning Unit for a couple reasons, the first and most significant is that in Scala, the return value of a function is the value of the last statement in the function.  So the foreach() function on the List returns Unit, so therefore the printNumbers function also returns Unit. There is also the way the function is written…lets take a look at a function that returns a value:

def square(value:Int):Int = value * value

In this case there is an equal sign after the function definition, which indicates that the bits afterword are the body of the function, and that the result of the following block is the return value of the function. Also notice I left of the curly braces this time round. Since it was a simple single statement method, there is no reason to use them. As a matter of convention, if your creating a method that returns Unit, you leave off the equal sign, and use the curlies (as a matter of fact, if you leave off the equals, you have to use the curlies).  If you need multiple statements, then you need to use the curlies.

So back to the Unit return type on the first method. We can also write out printNumbers function like this:

def printNumbers(nums:List[Int]) { nums.foreach(println(_)) }

Yes, I did throw another curve at you here…the foreach function on the List takes a function as an argument, and the format for lambda expressions in Scala is basically the same as C#, however you can skip input types on lambdas if there is only one, and use the underscore _ instead. This looks similar to the way C# lets you pass in a reference to a method that matches a delegate signature, but is not actually the same thing. In the Scala case, the println(_)is still a lambda expression. So before I wrap things up for this first go round, I’m going to throw out another example of using the underscore. This has actually been used as fodder to argue that Scala syntax is overly obtuse and cryptic. These things are always subject to interpretation, and I tend to think that it really depends on the specific project and developers. If your organization is used to a particular pattern, then even if it seems obtuse from the outside, it is a well defined and established pattern…use it. Anyway, on to the example…here we’re going to calculate the sum of a list of numbers:

def sum(nums:List[Int]) = nums.reduceLeft(_+_)

Ok, so lets start with a quick look at reduceLeft…this is a function that will apply another function to each element in a list, starting with the left-most, and accumulating the result along the way. So basically it looks at the list, applies the function to the first two elements, then takes that result and applies it to the third element, and so on. In this case we’ve defined our function as _+_, and if you recall the underscore is basically a stand-in for a lambda parameter. In this case, though, we have two params, but the Scala compiler is clever enough to figure out that we want to take the arguments in order, and apply the + method to them (yes, + is a method, not an operator…stick with me we’ll talk about this down the line). This starts delving into a little bit of compiler magic, and so it makes sense that some folks would be uncomfortable with this. It starts to unveil some of the secrets that are hiding underneath the surface of a seemingly stuffy, curly-braced, JVM language. I’m going to leave it here for now, and let you chew on this for a bit. Next time, we’re going to start talking about the Object-Oriented side of Scala. Stay tuned.